N.H.S Fees
Frequency of visits
Hygienist services
Emergency Treatment
General Health Advice
Complaints Policy
N.H.S primary dental care serves to maintain and promote the oral health of the population.
Patients will be given an examination, which includes an oral health assessment, diagnosis and if appropriate treatment plan, at the start of a course of treatment.
The fee paid varies according to the treatment required and falls into one of three charge bands.
Band 1: £25.80 this includes an examination diagnosis and advice. If necessary it includes X-rays & scaling (if clinically necessary).
Band 2: £70.70 includes all the treatment covered by band 1 plus additional treatment such as fillings, non complex root canal treatment and removing teeth (extractions).
Band 3: £306.80 includes all treatment covered by bands 1 & 2 plus procedures such as dentures , crowns and bridges and any treatment that requires work to be sent to a laboratory to be custom made.
Emergency treatment cost. If you require an Urgent NHS appointment falling outside a course of treatment you are required to pay the Band 1 fee of £25.80. Once your urgent treatment is complete you may be advised to make a further appointment for a separate course of non-urgent treatment in which case the relevant charge band to that treatment course applies.
Your dentist should give you a sheet indicating which band your treatment falls into and this form can be used to give a quotation for any private options.
Free or further NHS care is available to:
Partial help – If your name is on a valid HC3 certificate this will notify you of how much you have to pay.
Medical conditions or age do not exempt patients from payment for dental treatment
You will be asked for written proof that you do not have to pay for all or part of your dental treatment. You will also be asked to sign a form to confirm that you do not have to pay.
For more information on NHS charges visit: https://www.nhs.uk/chq/pages/nhs-dental-band-charges.aspx
This varies between patients, for example a patient with active gum disease will require more regular checks than a patient with a disease free mouth.
At this present time due to covid restrictions and time constraints that impact our capacity.
Any patients that have not been seen at the practice over the last three years will be classed as a new patient.
As we are currently not taking on new NHS patients our advise would be to go to NHS.net and search for a new dentists in the dental tab using your postcode.
As soon as we are in a position to open our books we will display this on the website.
We have the services of two self employed dental hygienists who see patients on a private basis.
Dental hygienists have both treatment and health promotional responsibilities.
Successful treatment of gum disease requires patients to achieve a very high standard of plaque removal. Hygienists are trained to instruct and motivate patients in how to do this. They are then able to remove calculus (tartar) deposits and stain, both from above and if indicated below gum level.
Hygienists together with the dentist check for signs of gum disease and record these findings so that future comparisons can be made. This helps demonstrate whether the disease is progressing or is under control.
During surgery hours please telephone the surgery on 01604 706887. Outside normal surgery hours the answer-phone will give you the appropriate number to ring, which changes from time to time.
During normal surgery hours please telephone the practice soon after opening. We will ensure that you are offered an appointment on a priority basis. Emergencies are normally patients in severe pain or patients with swelling or who have suffered trauma.
Urgent treatments for patients for example who have lost a filling or crown will be offered the first available appointment. If agreeable to you it may be possible to book you in if we have a cancellation at short notice.
There is an increasing expectation for dentists and our teams to advise on aspects of health such as the harmful effects of smoking and dentists are fairly unique in healthcare in that we often see healthy patients and have the opportunity to inform those patients of how they can remain healthy.
We provide the vast majority of dental treatments but as health professionals will only undertake treatment that is in a patient’s best interests.
There are some excellent websites which give information about different treatments, notably The British dental Health Foundation http://www.dentalhealth.org and 2 sites hosted by the British Dental Association, http://www.bdasmile.org/ and http://www.3dmouth.org
We will do our best to explain the treatments, which are available to you and the risks and benefits. If you are at all unsure of what has been discussed after your consultation please make this known to your dentist or one of the practice staff.
We take complaints seriously and do our utmost to learn from feedback. We have a practice complaints policy in accordance with NHS guidance. In the event of wishing to make a complaint please contact Mrs Janice Banks our practice manager on 01604 706887.
We are currently not taking on any new NHS patients.
Any questions, please contact the surgery on 01604 706887.